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Causes of Tonsil Stones | Part 4

d. How to Prevent the Causes

You might be wondering why there are white bumps in your throat and where did it come from? Well, the cause for these white bumps is there are too much lymph fluids in your throat that it couldn’t be filtered anymore. There are several reasons to trigger tonsil stones from appearing and preventing this from happening is the smartest way for a person to do. There are times when people think that once a condition arises there is no more turning back and it would still continue appearing. But, this theory is actually false because any illness or disease can be prevented with proper action, remedy, maintenance and diet.

To prevent tonsil stones, have a proper oral hygiene. Meaning a person should regularly brush their teeth three times a day and gargle with mouth wash to avoid bacteria and virus from lingering inside your mouth. Scrape your tongue after brushing with a tongue scraper to remove bacteria beneath the surface of the tongue. Drink as many water as you can. The proper intake of water should be eight glasses for the entire day to have a proper circulation of blood and fluids in your system. Reduce the intake of drinks with sugar and caffeine such as tea, coffee, coke and juices. Fruit drinks are acceptable as long as it is all-natural and fresh. Alcoholic beverages must be avoided at all times. Other than it is bad for a person’s health it can also dry the mouth that can trigger the tonsil stones.

Tonsil stones usually occur on people who suffer constant tonsillitis and sore throat. Like any illness and condition, it can seriously affect the well-being of a person despite the lack of seriousness in this matter. People are not usually alarmed if they have tonsil stones because they know that it isn’t fatal and it wouldn’t cause any problem on their health. However, the disturbing fact about tonsil stones are they can cause bad breath, serious soreness, trouble swallowing, and tingly pain when eating. If you are disturbed with these symptoms then it is best to have it checked right away or prevent it from happening.

Prevention is the solution to happy and healthy life, because people don’t do any action unless they are already suffering from a condition. But if you are preventing things from happening it will make your life easier and you won’t have to get checked out regularly. A continuous medical expense is not a good thing.

To prevent tonsil stones from occurring, avoid smoking because it can cause oral cavity that can trigger the tonsil stones. Plus, it is bad for your health and it also cause of bad breath. Brush your teeth before sleeping because the saliva in your mouth doesn’t circulate and it can dry your throat. Know all food and beverage you are allergic to because allergic reactions can clog your mucus membrane and cause stones from appearing in your throat. Increase the intake of your water and as much as possible drink 8 glasses of water every day.

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